Remember, Learn Benzene and Organic Chemistry Reactions of Class 12

In class 12 organic chemistry section, benzene is a main section we have to study. There are reactions to learn how benzene is prepared from different organic compounds and what are the reactions of benzene and their products.

Question - Asked by: Pritam Magar, 2019-06-30

What is the easy way to remember the benzene reaction of 12 class organic chemistry?

There are some tricks which will be helpful you to remember all the reactions of benzene. Not that, there is no a single step which you can remember all the reactions.

Steps to remember reactions of benzene

Now, I am going to teach you, how to remember benzene reactions and other organic chemistry reactions in quick time in few steps.

Nice clear note by hand written

Write all reactions by your hand. Do not depend only on printed sheets or papers or tutorials.

Write all individual reactions using different colours very clearly. It will help you to identify reactants, reagents, products and physical properties very easily.

As an example for using colours, write benzene in one colour, reagent in another colour and product in mix of benzene and reagent colours. As an example, if reactant mixture need to be heated, write heating on red colour.

Benzene to ethylbenzene

Benzene to ethylbenzene by bromoethane with anhydrous aluminium chloride

Write all reactions several times

Write all the reactions of benzene you learned several times with physical states and conditions such as mentioning temperature and heating at sometimes.

Writing more and more same reactions set, definitely increase your memory of them.

How to write equations in proper way?

  • Write the correct equation by looking the reactions which were written in the class.
  • Again try to write, the same equation from memory.
  • If it does not remember properly, again see your note and complete the reaction.

Draw a flow diagram

This is the most effective step. After having an idea about benzene, now you are going to sum up all the things together.

Write all the preparing reactions of benzene and reactions of benzene in two images (if you manage this in a single image it is also OK). See the images to understand what's going on.

benzene reactions class 12

Extend the diagram

We know, there are reactions of benzene. There are more reactions after those benzene reactions.

Example: You can prepare nitrobenzene from the reaction of benzene with concentrated H2SO4 and HNO3 at 400C mixture. After that, we can convert nitrobenzene to aniline. So add those reactions to your diagram to make a complete short note of benzene reactions and other reactions of benzene substituted.

Study the full diagram of benzene and benzene substitute compounds continuously

Look the diagram you have drawn alone for few days.

Tricks for memorizing organic chemistry reactions

Make inter connections between organic lessons such as between alkanes and aldehyde. What is the meaning of doing this? Let's see it from an example.

Same organic reactions are repeated several times in different lessons when you learn organic chemistry

Aldehyde, ketone and alkane connection

As the first organic chemistry lesson (compound type), you will learn alkanes which is a hydrocarbon in class 12. You will lean aldehyde under oxygen substitute organic compounds after some time. In there you will learn, how aldehydes or ketones are converted to alkanes from clemmesen reduction.

Sometimes you have not learnt this reaction in alkane lesson. Now you have to do, write this reaction to your alkane preparing reactions section in alkane note as a new part.

Alcohols and carboxylic acids

In alcohol lesson, you learn, primary alcohols can be oxidized to carboxylic acids. In carboxylic acid lesson, you learn, carboxylic acids can be reduced to primary alcohol from LiAlH4.

When you learnt this reaction, go back to your alcohol lesson and find oxidation of primary alcohols which will give carboxylic acids as products. This will re-remember your alcohol reactions memory once again.

Organic Chemistry Tutorials