We are able to easily find curry leaves in our home garden. Curry leaves tree is belonging to Rutacea family and also Sapindales order. The scientific name of curry leaves is Murraya koenigii. In this tutorial, we are going to look about chemical composition, day to day uses and health benefits of curry leaves. Also, we discuss different methods of preparing curry leaves for different purposes.
Curry leaves are rich in alkaloids, glycosides and phenolic compounds. And also curry leaves have high amount of anti-oxidants. Linalool, alpha terpinene, myrcene, mahanimbine, caryophyllene, alpha pinene and murrayanol are the compounds that are in curry leaves. And also curry leaves contain vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E, phosphorous, iron, calcium and nicotinic acid.
Curry leaves have nice aroma. Because of its aroma, curry leaves are used to cooking when we cook dhal curry, soups, meat curry varieties of fried rice. When we add curry leaves to our cooking, it makes a very fine aroma during cooking. Not only during cooking, it also releases its aroma when we crush curry leaves. So, its own aroma is one of the feature of which curry leaves have.
Curry leaves have a fine flavour when we add them into our diet. Countries such as Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Malaysia, and South India are used curry leaves mostly. If we chop curry leaves with garlic, we are able to get sweeter pungent aroma in our foods. When we fry our dishes if we are able to put garlic with curry leaves into the heated oil before other ingredients add, it will give us a sweeter aroma and sweeter flavour to our foods. So, our desire to the food will be increased because of the curry leaves.
When it comes to health benefits of curry leaves, we can talk wide area of benefits.
Curry leaves rich in beta carotene and protein. So curry leaves help us to reduce hair fall and increase hair growth. Curry leaves can reduce the dandruff in hair. Alcohol and smoking may be caused to premature hair greying. But these curry leaves can reduce hair greying due to vitamin B.
So now we know it is very important that using curry leaves for our hair. How can we use them for our hair? Let's take a look about how to do it?
First you have to chop curry leaves. After that, add some water drops to it. Now you are able to make a paste. Now apply it to your scalp on hair. This paste repairs your hair roots. So you can reduce hair fall.
Curry leaves not only good for hair. It is also good for our skin. We can use as a treat for the skin. Curry leaves prevent from skin infections.
Make curry leaves paste first. I have already explained it in a above section. After that, mix the curry leaves with pinch of turmeric. You can use this as a face pack. Using this, you can remove dark spots in your face.
Curry leaves also good for our nails.
Further in ayurvedic medicine curry leaves use to clean teeth. According to this, in Ayurveda they use curry leaves powder as tooth powder or raw leaves.
I have explained above, how we can gain benefits from benefits. And how valuable the curry leaves are. But we have to know that how we can get curry leaves. How can we prepare them for our diet?
Curry leaves juice- take curry leaves, mint leaves and cinnamon powder. Put them together in to the boiling water. Then add honey and lime juice to the boil water. After mix it well. Keep it for cooling. This curry leaves drink helps you to lose your weight and other benefits also.
Other way to prepare a curry leaves juice- put curry leaves and lime juice and a little bit sugar to the boiling water. If you drink this curry leaves beverage, the hair growth is increased. And also your digestion will be easier.
Further, you can add curry leaves to your tea. Usually we add dried curry leaves to the tea. But the children haven't a better choice to curry leaves as raw leaves. If we chop curry leaves, it will be easy for kids to eat.
Curry leaves plant need a warm climate. But in cold climate countries, a pot can be used to grow a plant. Grow curry leaves plant in a pot and keep it in indoors. So you can use fresh curry leaves if you want.