N2O4 Resonance Structures (DiNitrogen dioxide)

Resonance structures of N2O4 are drawn from the best lewis structure of N2O4. Most stable resonance structures are used to draw N2O4 resonance hybrid. There are some steps and guidelines to draw resonance structures of N2O4

Best Lewis structure of N2O4

best lewis structure N2O4

best lewis structure of N2O4 ion is important because it is used to draw resonance structures. If you cannot draw lewis structure, you have to study it before coming in to the resonance structures.

Resonance structures of N2O4

Lets draw the four stable resonance structures for N2O4. All these resonance structures are drawn by using lewis structure. In next sections, we discuss how to draw resonance structures step by step.

stable n2o4 resonance structures

Lone pairs, charges and bonds of N2O4 molecule

  • When we draw resonance structures, we convert lone pairs to bonds and bonds to lone pairs if it is possible.
  • In lewis structure of N2O4 ion, there are two double bonds (N=O) between oxygen and nitrogen, two N-O single bonds and one N-N bond.
  • In two oxygen atoms, each have three lone pairs with a -1 charge. Like these lone pairs can be transferred as bonds. (discussed later).
  • There are no lone pairs on nitrogen atoms.

Steps to draw resonance structures for N2O4

You should follow these guidelines in the drawing resonance structures.

  1. Structure (positions) of lewis ion should not be changed.
  2. Overall charge should not be changed though charge of atoms are changed.
  3. Following octal rule is a must for first two period atoms.

Step by step procedure

  • You can convert a lone pair of one oxygen atom which already has three lone pairs to make a bond with nitrogen atom. With that, total electrons around nitrogen atom is going to be ten. It is going to break octal rule because nitrogen atom cannot keep more than eight electrons in its last shell. Then, what will do next?
  • Now, we convert a former bond (in the double bond) between nitrogen atom and other oxygen atom to a lone pair on oxygen atom (See the figure).
  • Negative charge of oxygen atom is now shifted to other oxygen atom. But, charges of nitrogen atoms does not change.
  • Now, we have a new resonance structure of N2O4. As like these we can obtain more lewis structures.

step of drawing N2O4 resonance structures

How many resonance structures are possible for N2O4

Four stable resonance structures are possible for N2O4.

Questions asked by students. Ask your question and find the answer free.

How many resonance structures can be written for dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4)?

Four resonance structures can be written for dinitrogen tetroxide. In all of them, both nitrogen atoms have +1 charges while two oxygen atoms have -1 charges.

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