1,3-diphenylpropane (C15H16 | C6H5-C3H6-C6H5) Preparation

1,3-diphenylpropane contains two benzene groups and you can see it's structure in the following figure. Preparation of 1,3-diphenylpropane can be done by several methods and they are given in this tutorial. According to the IUPAC name, both benzene groups are attached to ends of propyl group.


Phenylethanoic acid to 1-3-diphenylpropane through grignard reagent

In this method, benzoic acid is prepared in a step.

phenylethanoic acid to 1-3-diphenylpropane through grignard reagent

Benzene to 1-3-diphenylpropane

In previous method, you can see benzoic acid is prepared. You can prepare benzoic acid from benzene as following.

benzene to benzoic acid

Then, you can do the rest of the conversion as phenylethanoic acid to 1-3-diphenylpropane.

Preparing 1,3-diphenylpropane from phenylethanoic acid through sodium salt of alkyne

This is another way to prepare 1,3-diphenylpropane. There are 9 steps in this conversion. In this method too, benzoic acid is prepared as an intermediate product.

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