For C3H6O chemical formula, we can draw different isomers. C3H6O is a chemical formula for several organic compounds. Therefore, there should be different isomers. Aldehyde compounds, ketone compounds, cyclic alcohol compounds and more isomers can be drawn for C3H6O.
By observing the molecular formula C3H6O, there are three elements; Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Because oxygen is included as an element, we can try to draw following organic compound types (only one oxygen atom is included) if possible.
As aliphatic isomers, we can draw aldehyde and ketones for C3H6O. In aldehyde and ketone isomers, position of carbonyl group is changed.
Propanal (CH3CH2CHO) is the only aldehyde isomer, can be drawn for molecular formula C3H6O. In propanal, carbonyl group is located at the carbon atom at the end of carbon chain.
When carbon structure is changed in propanal, you will get propanone (CH3COCH3), the only ketone possible for C3H6O. When carbonyl group is located at the carbon atom which is located at the carbon atom which is at middle of the carbon chain.
These isomers contains an alkene group and an alcohol group in the carbon chain. These compounds are defined as enols. Following isomers can be drawn for such cases by changing the positions of the double bond and the alcohol group.
There are several cyclic isomers for C3H6O. Under cyclic structures, cyclic alcohols and cyclic ether compounds can be drawn.
As a cyclic isomer, cyclopropanol is the only structure we can draw.
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Yes. But they are cyclic alcoholic isomers.
Yes. Cyclic alcoholic isomers of C3H6O react with sodium. Other isomers, aldehydes and ketones do not react with sodium.
We can find different isomers for which gas different functional groups: aldehyde, ketone, cyclic alcohol, enols (there is an alkene group and an alcohol group together in the carbon chain).